Filtering by Tag: illustration

Coffee&Tea Digital download!

Added on by Joshua Rhodes.

Coffee + Tea is for those of you that share our addiction for all things coffee and / or tea. This print will print up to a 16"x20" and any size in between! And as a BONUS, I laid out his design to print as postcards, so your downloadable file will include a postcard layout (front & back!) in addition to your actual print!

click to buy!

click to buy!

available here:

Sky Sammy

Added on by Joshua Rhodes.

I just finished my first short film! It's super short, less than a minute long. Its not really a film either, more like some moving illustrations with some sound effects added...But I'm happy with it!

There are always things I could tweak or add, but I took this one as far as I wanted to go with it. I know I could do so much more in After Effects, but I've decided to learn as much in photoshop as I can for now, then maybe later, dive into AE. I'm learning as I go, so things like the tomato sliding out in the end was a big deal for me. 

I learned a lot from this tutorial by an amazing animator named Alex Grigg. I just recently found out about him, I was became an instant fan after watching his short, Fantom Limb, it's so good! The rest of his work is just as great and wonderful. 


My first short film.

This video is trash

Added on by Joshua Rhodes.

Last week, Sarah and I were walking around downtown enjoying the great Phoenix weather. I saw a dumpster, and for some reason I had to take a picture of it. The dumpster alone held nothing of particular interest, but something about it grabbed my attention, almost to the core of who I am. Not to get melodramatic, but the for the past week or so, I couldn't stop thinking about a simple illustration/animation idea featuring that dang dumpster. I don't know if it's the sharp lines and texture or what...Anyway, today I spent a couple of hours turning my idea into reality. Which I love that I can sit down at my computer and do just that.

I've been doing some bit of animating here and there and thought I would create a section on my site that would feature my silly little creations. I'll post my past animations in chronological order (then try to stay on top of uploading from here on out)  so you can see my work evolve. I think it will be kind of neat to see my work progress. For me, the process of that progression in and of itself is a cool thing to witness. 

Let me know if you'd be into seeing that process in the comments bellow.

Here's little dumpster animation:

Here's the illustration process (sped up 20x) if you're into that type of thing.